Cuti Chinese New year this time kitorg xpegi jauh2..PD syok abes sbb pegi smp 5 family - semuanya adik beradik my father. N we choose to stay in Corus Paradise Lagoon Hotel, Port Dickson. This place is so-so la..not bad..nice view..1st night, kitorg da naikkan deria bau other neighbours by our nice smell chicken+lamb+ikan pari+prawn+squid+hotdog BBQ..sedap giles..haha..pastu tido dlm kekenyangan.
2nd day, pg2 la da kuar fishing..haha eventhough xdpt sekor ikan pun, the morning view is sooooo nice. Berbaloi jgak la bgun pagi2 kan.. Then after brakfast, kitorg pun mandi laut. But before that da letak banyak2 sunblock cream sbb hari tersangatlah panas. Hehe..Petangnye plak kitorg round2 bandar PD tgk ape2 yang boleh dibeli...bile da smpai balik kt hotel, bleh plak parking penuh giles, smp kne parking kt tepi jln bsr tu...da la baru nampak polis dok menyaman org kt bandar td. imagine it. Hari ahad pun kne saman. isk2.. kitorg pun berharapla xkena saman. Nasib baik xkena. hehe..
And nak dijadikan cerita, on the 3rd day, bleh plak air xde kat dua2 apartment Paradise Lagoon ni. Gile ape. Nasib baik kt hotel ade air. Bleh mandi. Teruk2.. Sape yg bru check-in on that day lg kesian xde air. Nasib baik kitorg da nk blah..Hehe rasenye next time mmg xstay kt Corus da. No chance!
1 week ago
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